My dear husband's grandfather passed away to be with Jesus this morning.
My father-in-law just got out of the hospital last night, and my hubby is taking a 2 hour drive back and forth to help him out. (Isn't he awesome?)
My sister is (over)due with #8 any minute, seriously. And she lives all the way out in Montana! (I'm in PA)
My children made me breakfast! (No, not the papaya, it's just a pretty picture of fruit...)
We are having ice cream sundaes in the middle of the day.
I just bought myself a Senseo coffee maker and enough coffee pods to last me a year, a hair dryer and hot rollers with my birthday money.
I just love Free shipping and lots of cool rebates, gift packs, and $10 off deals. I got a lot for very little!! Thanks family!
(I'm just drooling for that coffee...)
We are having a shrimp pasta dinner. In the words of Rachel Ray "YUMMO"
and watching a good family flick. That's our favorite family chill out time lately, dinner and a movie.
And I'm so excited to open the "mysterious package" hubby got in the mail for me.
I'll let you know what it is soon!
I'm so thankful to make it to another birthday. It's been a long 8 months since I've been sick. God is GOOD and His mercies are EVERLASTING, great is HIS faithfulness!
Happy Birthday!
I found your site from Kimba;s comment section. Very cool. Your 4 boys are precious! I hope your birthday is awesome, every year is another blessing ;-)
Hi Hannah! Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a fun evening with your fam. I'm sorry to hear about Bill's father and grandfather :( Hope to see you Sunday, Kate
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