Friday, July 25, 2008

Outside, the garden....

I love summertime; the flowers, the garden, kittens romping about, and the BERRIES. Wild raspberries and blackberries all over my property. My hands are perpetually scraped up from picking them. It's worth the pain and anguish (well, not really anguish) to eat these delicious berries.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior">Take the test!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I almost DIED

Yep it's true! I contracted bacterial meningitis this past February. If it hadn't been for my wonderful and worried and very sick husband, I would not be here. He literally saved my life by calling the ambulance (oh, that's another story, my insurance won't pay for most of that trip to the hospital) but anyway, I digress....

Thankfully the ER docs had a clue and figured it out. Apparently only about 3,000 adults get this per year in the U.S. That's not a lot. It's much more common in children. And I'm a nurse, I knew the symptoms, but was too "out of it" to know what was going on to help myself. I have no recollection from about 8:30 p.m. Monday till midday the following Sunday....

to be continued....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Boy, one year ago, we were eating so differently...

A year ago, hubby was diagnosed with a yeast infection in his digestive tract. He had been sick for a year or more with a racing heart, unexplained pains, digestive problems, and just plain feeling lousy and anxious. He found a wonderful doctor who actually did some research and gave him a "yeast" test usually reserved for those with AIDS and cancer. We knew he had neither of these. He tested OFF the charts! He appeared healthy but inside, yeast was taking over. Along with the advice of an naturopath, hubby started a very strict diet- no sugar, carbs, was really really stict. He ate veggies, meat, proteins (eggs, nuts) and goat dairy.

It was a challenge, and I LIKE a challenge. I love to make food from just a few ingredients, yeah, I guess you can call it scrounging. Oh, to add to his diet, it was supposed to be as organic as possbile. Basically, we were going back to what God has made for us to eat, straight from the earth. No packaged anything. We were strict for 3 months, sticking to the new food plan and supplementing with herbal tinctures and vitamins. He started to feel a bit better and we were able to add some grains and fruit. This opened up a lot more things to eat and recipes to make.

I began to do research on sugar substitutes that were natural, organic. That's when I stumbled on "agave nectar"....

more to follow...

The Topiary Lady has moved!

The Topiary Lady has MOVED!

I'm not longer updating this blog....Come visit me on my new site at for lots of recipes, ideas, homeschooling stuff, and more!

My boys

My boys