Friday, February 20, 2009

Time for a change...

I've got the "itch" for change again. I recently visited sister-in-law Linda and loved how she is re-arranging her home to welcome her new little one.

It's so fun to change a room around. I have MANY memories of coming home from school to a "new" house. I think I caught your bug, Mom!

We recently had our community group over for Bible Study. We literally doubled in number at our last meeting and the flow of the living room felt all wrong for the amount of people we had. It has bothered me for some time and today was the day to fix it! Plus, it requires some deep cleaning. Lotsa dust bunnies, marbles, cars, toys, did I mention dust bunnies? It's amazing what one finds under and behind things. Oh, and a paper airplane!

The boys helped me move the piano. That thing is SO heavy, but they are strong together.

The living room is such a large space and can be arranged several ways. We love our large round table. It is often a place where we play games or make large puzzles. Half of our furniture are "hand me downs" from Mom and Dad, beautiful antiques which really fill the space nicely.

Here are some before and after pics.... (sorry, the ambience is really different between the two, the after pics are taken during daylight hours)







I'm happy. Of course, now there are decorative "holes" to fill. I think I'm going to paint a picture...

The Topiary Lady has moved!

The Topiary Lady has MOVED!

I'm not longer updating this blog....Come visit me on my new site at for lots of recipes, ideas, homeschooling stuff, and more!

My boys

My boys