Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Homemade Delectable Applesauce


My favorite fruit because it's so variable. You can eat it raw, saute it, bake with it, and cook it down into delicious applesauce!

After you wash the apples, peel them.

I like to cut them in quarters and then peel and core them. That's how my mom taught me and I can manage it fairly quickly. I have an apple peeler thingymabob, but for saucing, it's takes too long. I can peel an apple quicker than I can work that thing. However, it's a great gadget for apple tarts because it can also slice the apple at the same time in very thin slices. Pretty cool!

I cut up a bunch at a time into a bowl and then dump the bowl into a large pot already heating on the stove. I start with medium high heat and then lower it as it begins to break down.

Notice they are starting to break down.

Stir! I just use a wooden spoon. You can also use a masher. I just don't have one! A spoon works just fine. I'm a substituting kind of girl. It's my life. I thrive on it.

Now, you add the "all important" CINNAMON! I love cinnamon. I buy it in bulk. I have been known to buy it one pound at a time. The goat farm I get hubby's goat milk at now sells it in baggies. It's organic and oh so good!

I'm quite generous with it as you can see. Add as much or as little as you like.

Keep stirring every so often.

Now, doesn't that look good?

It didn't last very long.

I had to go to the orchard on our mountain yesterday and buy another peck of apples. The owner is SO nice. I get seconds from her which are really nice. They kind of look like the apples you get in the bags at the grocery store (somewhat banged up and little spots here and there) but for a fraction of the price. My next batch will be Gala applesauce!

Yum, my mouth is watering already.

1 comment:

Kimba said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It's so nice to meet you.

Your recipe for applesauce sounds great. My mother-in-law makes homemade applesauce and my kids like it sooooo much better than the store bought stuff.

Your recipe for peach cake sounds great too.


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